A reminder of what gender equalism is all about

Tim Goldich (tagoldich@hotmail.com)
Tim Goldich is the president of the Chicago chapter of the National Coalition for Men and an avid member of the ManKind Project


Gender Equalism proceeds from the premise that the sexes are and have always been equal—not the same, but equal. The male powers that come of being more respected are matched by the female powers that come of being more loved. Our world is not a patriarchy: it is a patrimatrisensus—a male-female consensus. Understanding Woman and Man as equal partners in the human system makes it possible for women to get the respect they’re starving for and for men to get the love they’re starving for. Gender reality is mirrored. It All Balances Out.

Keywords: consensus, gender equalism, gender politics, man, woman

Author Biography

Tim Goldich is the president of the Chicago chapter of the National Coalition for Men and an avid member of the ManKind Project, two organizations that variously support men politically and emotionally. He is also an educator and mentor to boys on their way to becoming men. Goldich facilitates the personal growth work of men on New Warrior Training Adventure weekends and of men and women on personal growth weekends called Path to Spirit. He is the author of four books, including Loving Men, Respecting Women: The Future of Gender Politics

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