
Dennis Gouws (
Professor of English at Springfield College in Massachusetts, U.S.A. and a Lecturer in English at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, U.S.A.


The contributions to our second, tenth-anniversary issue of New Male Studies: An International Journal show how vital our field of study has become: not only is valuable male-oriented research being conducted, but thoughtful male-affirmative critiques of current gender issues impacting boys and men are being written.

Author Biography

Dr Gouws is a Professor of English at Springfield College in Massachusetts, U.S.A. and a Lecturer in English at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, U.S.A. He has resident status in Australia, and lives in Canberra for several months of the year, working with Australian colleagues in the fields of male health and male studies. He serves on the editorial board of The International Journal of Family Research and Policy and on the advisory board of The Foundation for Male Studies. His recent publications include Manhood and Mettle in George Eliot Adam Bede and The Mill on the Floss: Male Characters Negotiating Victorian Material Culture, The Confidential Clerk. (Centre for Victorian Studies, Jadavpur University, India) and Oriental Interiors: Identities, Performance, Space. (John Potvin, Ed.)

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