Perspectives in male psychology: an introduction: By Louise Liddon and John Barry

Rick Bradford (
Visiting Professor and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bristol, Engineering Department.


A book review by Rick Bradford

Keywords: male psychology, book review

Author Biography

Back in the mists of time Rick Bradford obtained his degree in theoretical physics from Cambridge University and a PhD from University College London. He worked as a professional mechanical engineer in the power generation industry for nearly 40 years and is now semi-retired. Since retiring he has been a Visiting Professor and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bristol, Engineering Department, teaching at MSc level and supervising PhD students. He has been married since the world was a very different place and has two sons in their mid-30s. To convince himself he is still a physicist he published a book on quantum mechanics in 2020 (The Unweirding). In 2019 he published a book on male disadvantages, The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect, under the pen name William Collins. He blogs under that name on men’s issues on The Illustrated Empathy Gap.

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