Acquainted with the night: Mass shootings and “Toxic Masculinity”

Kyle Glover (
K. C. Glover is obtaining his PsyD. in Applied Clinical Psychology at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology at San Diego.


Besides the political debates around gun control and mental healthcare, there has also arisen a climate of opinion that seeks to place the responsibility for mass shootings on masculinity or, specifically, “toxic masculinity.” This paper seeks to confute the idea that “toxic masculinity” or masculinity is to blame for these heinous acts of violence. It will also address the motivations informing shooter aggression in the United States—a more accurate description of the problem than gun violence—and how the changing nature of the family has impacted boys. It is hoped that this will give a clearer picture of the issue than simply blaming males.

 Keywords: boys, males, mass shootings, shooter aggression, toxic masculinity 

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