The experiences and needs of displaced refugee men: a review of the literature.

Dan Le (
Assistant professor of English at Aichi Shukutoku University and and a PhD student in sociology at Kanazawa University, Japan


In 2016 there were an estimated 17 million refugees and people in refugee-like situations worldwide.  Refugees face a myriad of negative experiences and psychological issues including trauma, distress, and poor economic outcomes such as unemployment or inadequate housing.  Psychology literature displays a fair amount of research on displaced individuals, but little on the experiences of externally displaced men to a country other than their nation of origin. This review reveals that outcomes of refugee and displaced men have to date been ignored, and increased research is warranted as they often experience negative outcomes before and after displacement.  This literature review reports on outcomes of male-focused refugee studies regarding mental health, physical health, and economic factors.

Keywords: Refugee, displace, men, economic, physical, and psychological health implications

Author Biography

Dan Le holds a Master’s degree in Education and a secondary-level teaching credential in social sciences from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is currently assistant professor of English at Aichi Shukutoku University and a PhD student in sociology at Kanazawa University, Japan where he examines the role ICTs have on re-acculturation patterns among second generation return migrants upon return to their ancestral homeland.


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